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Parent Association

Valentina Buj
PA President

Nathalie Razzouk

Dina Mayifuila


Laurent Lanzini


The Parents Association of Kennedy International School (PA) is formed as a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) charity. The PA operates independently while maintaining close collaboration with the school administration and  staff.

What we do

The Parents Association’s primary goal is to encourage parent engagement with the school, organize activities, and foster a strong sense of community within the school and beyond. The PA also supports the school by providing volunteer assistance for school outings, field trips, and other events as needed.

Who we are

The PA is run by an executive board made up of 4 officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer) elected annually. All parents or guardians of a child attending the school are automatically members of the PA, and are entitled to vote on all PA-related matters. Each parent or guardian is entitled to one (1) vote.

To assist the PA board, each grade shall have a parent representative, known as Class Parent, who also serves as the focal point between the teachers and parents in said grade. Class parents are not elected, one or more parents volunteer for the position.

All of the PA-sponsored activities are made possible with the help and support of parent volunteers who give their time, energy and share ideas for fun and educational activities.

Month Activities
September Back-to-school picnic, Sale of second-hand uniforms and pencil pouches made out of recycled uniforms (fundraiser)  
October Halloween decorations  
November Thanksgiving pies & quiche sales (fundraiser)  
December Holiday decorations  
January King's brioche (Galette des Rois), Sale of second-hand uniforms and pencil pouches made out of recycled uniforms (fundraiser)
February Crêpe Day
May Teacher Appreciation activities, Summer workbooks (fundraiser)
June  End of the school year picnic